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Darwin Day 2010

in Sydney will be a members and friends meeting to be held:
at the March HuVAT meeting Humanist House 10 Shepherd St Chippendale 14 March 4 pm.
Refreshments will be served after the talk.

Richard Dawkin honorary president of Darwin Day.
Darwin Day's international home page

- see other programs around the world

Darwin Day 2010

Presented by Dr Victor Bien

This will be our 2010 celebration of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution (now more accurately thought of as the law of evolution) .

This year I will be showing a video clip and giving the talk in somewhat of a "variety show" fashion. I will be touching on various points for information and some entertainment. It will include:

  • a screening of the introduction of the Australian initiated or produced video series Darwin's Voyage shown last year celebrating Darwin's 200th anniversary;
  • some selective quotes from an article on Thomas Huxley, Darwin's Bulldog, from Encyclopaedia Britannica showing the relationship between the two men, amongst other aspects, as an example of how politics influences religion and makes certain of its beliefs relevant or not;
  • presentation of various other interesting pieces as promoter for discussion.

There will be time for questions and discussion.

Charles Darwin (b. 12 Feb 1809) whose promulgation of the Theory of Evolution, or descent with modification through natural selection, has had as profound an effect on how we view and understand the natural world as any other scientific theory ever proposed.

Darwin's influence on Modern Thought. Click here for paper by Ernst Mayer

Some key points from the article: Darwin introduced historicity into science (chemistry and physics do not have this character); he rejected all supernatural explanations; he refuted typology or essentialism -which says living things are invariant and stable, they are not; variation characterises living things, refutation of typology amounts to refutation of racism amongst other things...

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